Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't Believe the Hype

You know, once you have a relationship with Christ, not paying proper attention to that relationship leaves you feeling worse that than any drug addict who yearns for even the strongest drug. Knowing who you are in Christ is the greatest thing. But to know who you are in Christ requires a relationship with him. If you know this, but you ignore Christ, even as he is calling to you as all times, it leaves you feeling so empty.
For example, take people who are taken to church as children, but they drift away as they get older. They get into drug, sex, alcohol, etc… but all the while they still have that empty feeling. It’s like they have bought into the lie that they can be complete through those things. But they can’t. They can only truly feel, and be, whole again if they return to Christ.
The empty feeling they feel the whole time is the space where the closeness with Christ used to be. Nothing else can fill the place of that relationship; not a relationship with another person, place, thing or idea.
A relationship with Christ is like any other relationship in the aspect that it takes an investment of time, self and resources to be successful. Sometimes we forget that. We hear “Once saved always saved”, and we call it a day. We let our bibles collect dust and our time of prayer comes fewer and far between. Then we are confused when we look around and see that are “Christian” lives look just like our unsaved friends.
The Christian life is like working out or exercise. You experienced the amazing change. Just like those amazing weight loss or exercise programs, Christ came into your life and now the after picture is drastically different from the before. Giving your life to Christ however is the most life changing thing you can ever do. Everything from the inside out changes. The way you view life, the way you think, the way you dress and talk are all changed. But just like these workout programs, you need to stay vigilant. Just as you must run or lift weights to keep up the results or advance, you must read the word, pray, worship, and be taught in order to keep that closeness to Christ.
So many times, the world will throw its weight on you. If, you are not right with Christ, it will feel as if you are carrying this weight on your own. The world will tell you God isn’t real, he doesn’t care, all sorts of lies. But don’t listen to the lies. God is there. Even more, the closer you are to Christ, the more you will realize that he is the one carrying the weight. But it takes effort to pray and stay in the word. So when the world gets you down and you feel alone, just tell yourself, “Don’t believe the hype”.